45 ACP 200g SWC .452- 700 Count

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Score: 4.00. Votes: 5
Score: 4.00. Votes: 5
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  • John Sidman
    Jun 8, 2023, 23:50
    I am very pleased with these bullets. I find them highly accurate and an excellent value for the dollar. These bullets have a slight bevel on the base. With a minimal, almost un-noticeable belling of the case mouth, there are no shavings seating the bullet. 400 rounds fired. No issues. New 16 pound recoil springs. I've been using Clays. Based on the Hodgdon Reloading Data Center I laddered the loads from 3.6 to 4.0 grs. (3.6 Min to 4.3 Max) 4.0 grains appeared most accurate. WLP primers. 1.225 inch OAL. Sitting and shooting off a sand bag at 25 yds, worst group was 2.25 inches. Both of these target pistols are capable of cauliflowering groups at 25 Yards. I anticipate this load to consistently shoot under an inch over a sandbag if the operator does his part!
  • Max Demp
    Aug 19, 2020, 21:43
    I've used these a lot during my competition days. They work very well and are consistent in weight which make accuracy very easily achieved ...